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UCAIR Blog Posts

In the Community

Snow And Air: How They Both Affect Utah

For Utah, snow is life. Our snow is so precious we boldly proclaim that it’s the “Best Snow on Earth,” and with good measure. Utah hosted the 2002 Olympics because of its spectacular snow. But, something less commonly known is that snow, or more specifically, snow storms affect the air quality in Utah. 

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December Partner Meeting

Rounding out 2021, the December UCAIR Partner Meeting focused on multiple UCAIR funded projects and highlighted their successes. We had three projects presented by multiple

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November Partner Meeting

At the November UCAIR Partner Meeting we had a few presentations discussing advanced fuels. We had three fantastic presenters join our discussion.  Tammie Bostick Executive

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October Partner Meeting

At the October UCAIR Partner Meeting we had a few presentations discussing how air quality affects our health. We had three fantastic presenters join our

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September Partner Meeting

At the September UCAIR Partner Meeting we had a great panel discussion on the correlation between water quality and air quality. The discussion was moderated

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At Home

Why You Should Be Idle Free

Being idle-free might seem too simple, or maybe it’s so simple you don’t think it will make a difference. According to the EPA, on average, every gallon of gasoline burned creates about 8,887 grams of CO2. CO2 is the gas that contributes to ozone. Your car also releases CH4 and N20 along with the CO2. Those particles get stuck in our air when we have inversion or ozone.

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Partner Meeting Highlights
Emily Paskett

August Partners Meeting

At the August UCAIR Partners Meeting we had a great presentation from Angelo Papastamos, Transportation Planning Manager from Utah Department of Transportation reviewing the Travelwise

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In the News

How To Navigate Poor Air Quality Days In Utah

Summer is wrapping up, and that means in a few months, we could be faced with an inversion. Now is the best time to prepare. Not to worry, we have three simple tips for everyone to use that will help you navigate Utah’s air quality and even help improve it. Whether you are a native or new to our beautiful state, these tips will help us all.

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At Home

Teleworking: Why You Should Be Doing It

By now, you’ve probably had a taste of teleworking. One positive thing that came from the COVID-19 pandemic is that working from home became more common. It was an effective way to reduce the spread of the virus and keep people healthy, but teleworking can also improve your health in other ways. In fact, teleworking is the solution to multiple health issues, one of the most prominent being air quality.

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